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Collective Inteligence

Intelligence is not just something that happens inside individual brains. It also arises with groups of individuals.

An innovative process, using:
> human empathy,
> skills sharing approaches,
> systematic tools and reasoning models
> Reinforce imagination
> Generate intuition oriented to solutions
> Making common sense common practice in resolving & managing issues and everyday practices
> Get rid of a centralized mindset and institutionalize mindset of ownership & accountability (intra-preneurs)
> Use methodologies to master interaction dynamics and relations
> Harness groupmind dynamics and create functionalization alignment
> Embrace differences in perspective as a vehicle to model and derive ideas from a new thinking set
> Learn how to get out of their box, and promote innovative thinking
> Eliminate interpersonal relationships barriers
> Integrate ideas from argumentations and different perspectives
> Enhance a culture of intra-preneurship that reinforces strategic and critical thinking

“Collective intelligence occur as groups of individuals act collectively in ways that seem intelligent”

Professor Thomas Malone
MIT Sloan School of Management

Thomas Malone