Structured method to guiding participants to achieve personal goals and identify what motivates them; a taught method on how to approach it, and a step-by-step process to materialize their plans. The ‘’plan big’’ concept and the reverse planning approach were something new to me and elements of this can be directly applied to my management routine.
Theodore Eliades | Prof. and Chair, Clinic of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry
University of Zurich
Η πρωτοβουλία της Αλεξάνδρας Ευθυμιάδου να προσκαλέσει στην Ελλάδα το Robert Dilts και η επιμονή της να τα καταφέρει μας χάρισε μια πλούσια εμπειρία. Αληθινό περιουσιακό στοιχείο για κάθε έναν που επιχειρεί. Ο Robert έχοντας αναλύσει σε βάθος το επιχειρηματικό θαύμα Steve Jobs και πολλά άλλα λαμπερά μυαλά των επιχειρήσεων μας οδήγησε μεθοδικά στο να υποδομήσουμε όλους τους άξονες του επιχειρεί και να τους οικοδομήσουμε εξ αρχής με νέα οπτική. Μετέφερε το κέντρο βάρους από το Vision και το Mission στο Passion! Εκεί ακριβώς που ξεκινά το ταξίδι. Στην αφετηρία. Στη στιγμή που ξέρεις τι θέλεις να κάνεις, γιατί το θέλεις και πόσο πολύ το θέλεις. Το Vision θα ορίσει στη συνέχεια ένα πολύ εμπνευσμένο στόχο και το Mission θα εξασφαλίσει τη σταθερή πορεία. Η διαδραστική εμπειρία της διημερίδας και η ομαδική δουλειά με εξαίρετους επαγγελματίες από διαφορετικούς χώρους ξεπέρασαν κάθε προσδοκία μου.
Σε ευχαριστώ Αλεξάνδρα
Σε ευχαριστώ Robert !
Aimilia Tseimazidou | Chairman & Managing Director
Value: A solid and integrated approach to apply in different fields and/or business endeavor. A tool for aligning strengths and action in the desired direction in a way that resonates both with oneself and in connection with others. Impact: Thought provoking; Stimulating search of re-defining “meaning” and exploring different ways of “contribution”. One of the key highlights or realizations is that: a clear intention and determination justified by action and driven by passion are keys to succeed in making a difference!
Aliki Anastassiadi | HR Director Greece
Well, I am overly happy that my long lasting endeavor to apply a synergetic approach amongst all airport community stakeholders (ourselves – the management body of the airport, the airlines, the ground handlers, the Police, Customs & Civil Aviation Authority and more) fully matches the principles that were discussed with Robert during the course. In the context of the above, I consider the organization of a relevant course that would be offered to a mixed audience comprising all above-mentioned parties one of my next
Alexios Sioris | Manager Ground Handling and Cargo Development
Athens International Airport SA
This class contributed to the change of my mind-set and gave me a lot of inspiration for changing the way I think & act. I certainly can use these new things in my work and my life. Look into you, find your passion and stick with it! This is the key!
Tonia Maniati | HR Senior Manager
There were a lot that made the difference, but the one that really touched me straight out of this pioneer’s mouth was: “if you can’t leave your job to follow your passion, let’s think and find ways to bring your passion on your job”. That sounded like music to my ears. It’s something that expands our thoughts, creates possibilities in life and by creating possibilities ‘magical’ things can happen and new areas can be opened, where until that time we couldn’t even imagine.
Dimitris Kiriakopoulos
Robert Dilts two-day Signature Class on “Success Factor Modeling (SFM)” was a unique inspiration; a thought-provoking experience. It drives you to think what you really are: a dreamer or a doer, and whether you have the passion and resilient motivation to pursue your vision for success. You ultimately realize that the key to personal ambitions is to continually seize opportunities and positively contribute to the collective prosperity.
Yanna Pavlopoulou | Managing Partner
The event has given me the opportunity to overcome the short & medium term thinking and get a broader perspective, both in my business field and also inside me. The SFM is a constructive tool and methodology to address short and long-term challenges.
Antonis Georgiou | Managing Director
I really enjoyed the Signature Class “Next Generation Entrepreneurs: The Difference that makes the Difference”. It was a unique opportunity to attend and listen to a world-class consultant and management thought leader and especially to come in contact with such an innovative approach such as the Success Factor Model. Robert Dilts, gave me a strong “wake up call”. He “made” me re-evaluate my important factors for achievement and structure my thoughts towards the appropriate mindset I need to have in order to make the difference that makes a difference on both my entrepreneurial and personal life… and above all, to reflect on what REALLY is success.
Charakis Michael | Managing Director
Charakis Research & Consulting
I am starting a new business and this seminar helped me put into words the core elements of why I start this business and communicate it to others in a way that it is clear, specific and compelling. It also totally resonated with me the notion of Next Generation Entrepreneurs, since I realized that I operate under the principals described.
Ilias Diamantis | Founder
Excellent introduction to the correlation of NLP with entrepreneurship! The success factor modeling provided me with a methodology which can enhance my presence as a corporate employee, new ventures evaluator, intra company start upper!
Geroge Kametas
The course touched aptly the core of the main challenges of entrepreneurship, the analysis of elite mindset was well structured and detailed and had a clear effect of lightening ways for strategic planning & action.
Ch. Louris | Founder
TheScoutingLab – Football Scounting Education
What a great experience it was! Thank you, Robert
Evangelos Vayias | Dep. Director, Digitalization & Business Transformation
Deutsche Telekom Group / OTE